Depopulation and the mRNA Vaccine

Amazingly, The New York Times - 22 May 2022 - predicts massive population reduction over the side by side few decades.

"Fewer babies' cries.

More than abandoned homes.

Toward the middle of this century, equally deaths start to exceed births, changes volition come that are hard to fathom."

Screenshot of the NYT article

Screenshot of the NYT commodity

And -

"All over the world, countries are confronting population stagnation and a fertility bust, a dizzying reversal unmatched in recorded history that volition brand first-altogether parties a rarer sight than funerals, and empty homes a common eyesore."

And information technology continues,

"Maternity wards are already shutting downwardly in Italy. Ghost cities are appearing in northeastern China. Universities in South Korea can't find enough students, and in Germany, hundreds of thousands of properties accept been razed, with the state turned into parks."

Is it all true? It remains to be verified. Omission?

At no time does the commodity mention the eugenist nature of deliberate population reduction, in connection with the covid plandemic, the coerced and by many accounts poisonous - vaccination entrada, with a non-vaccine, but instead a novel, totally untested mRNA-type "gene therapy" which the US CDC has allowed to be applied as an "emergency measure" in these dire circumstances of a pandemic, that actually lacks all characteristics of a pandemic, but has to be pumped upwards to brand it appear as a pandemic - with literally virtually all deaths appearing from whatever causes - fifty-fifty automobile accidents - tin can be - and "must" be categorized as covid deaths.

In the Us, hospitals go paid Us$ thirteen,000 for every covid-diagnosed patient and U.s.$ 39,000 for every "covid-patient" put on a ventilator. Earlier this year, doctors in NY take come to the conclusion that more than eighty% off ventilator patients exercise not survive the ventilator. Run across this.

But, be that as information technology may - the current "loosening-up" of covid restrictions that the U.s. and many European countries are experiencing, is bringing out happiness, smiles, festive thinking and cheerful feeling by the population - in the firm hope the plandemic is over. This may be just a ruse and prelude to much worse to come. Hopefully this suspicion is wrong.

While there is no concrete evidence, there is this uneasy feeling that with the later northern-hemisphere fall approaching, we will exist striking by a "new" lab-made "variant" - much stronger, that requires more and more than oppressive, dictatorial government measures, more coerced vaxxing with gene-therapy that could touch on mankind's neurological system. (For farther details see Pfizer Vaccine Confirmed to Cause Neurodegenerative Diseases: Written report)

The NYT goes through great lengths trying to explicate why the globe population goes into recess and outright turn down, without ever mentioning covid and its nefarious deadly agenda.

"Though some countries continue to see their populations grow, specially in Africa, fertility rates are falling well-nigh everywhere else. Demographers at present predict that by the latter half of the century or maybe earlier, the global population will enter a sustained refuse for the showtime fourth dimension."

Why would the fertility rate suddenly go downwardly in "developed" countries? Because people realize that to save the planet, the globe needs fewer, much fewer "eaters" and consumers? - Or rather does information technology accept something to do with the widely coerced faux covid "vaccines"? - encounter Dr. Mercola's video below.

Isn't this precisely what the Gates-Rockefellers-Kissinger et al association has in mind?

Is that why the mRNA-blazon injections - CDC's emergency approval as "cistron-therapy" - include anti-fertility and sterilization components?

And - tin can you lot imagine - CDC has recently recommended giving this unproven, untested "gene-therapy injection to meaning women, when never earlier and under no circumstances pregnant women should be administered untested "experimental" medication.

In fact, the abortion rate of pregnant women receiving the mRNA-type inoculation is every bit high equally xxx% - probably considerably higher if unreported cases are taken into account. Heed to Dr. Joseph Mercola.

Mercola and Jones

There is the general notion that covid is not most health or immunity, but rather about depopulating the world; an eugenist agenda, if yous will. Mike Whitney expresses a clear view in which direction this unnecessary covid vaccination drive is going. It has zilch to do with health protection of the people. To the reverse. It is nearly depopulation. These two quotes say it all.

"There is absolutely no need for vaccines to extinguish the pandemic... Y'all do not vaccinate people who aren't at gamble from a affliction. Yous likewise don't set almost planning to vaccinate millions of fit and healthy people with an [experimental] vaccine that hasn't been extensively tested on human subjects." Dr. Mike Yeadon PhD, Pfizer's quondam Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory Illness.
"What we know nearly coronavirus from xxx years of experience is that a coronavirus vaccine has a unique peculiarity, which is any attempt at making the vaccine has resulted in the creation of a form of antibodies that actually make vaccinated people sicker when they ultimately suffer exposure to the wild virus." Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

The NYT is quoting Frank Swiaczny, a German demographer who was chief of population trends and assay for the Un until last year:

"A image shift is necessary. Countries demand to larn to alive with and accommodate to [a population] decline."

To enhance this paradigm shift - and to arrive appear - and convince you, the reader, that this is a normal unstoppable phenomenon, the NYT predicts, or rather scares you, by speculating / anticipating,

"The ramifications and responses accept already begun to appear, especially in Eastward Asia and Europe. From Hungary to China, from Sweden to Japan, governments are struggling to balance the demands of a swelling older cohort with the needs of young people whose almost intimate decisions about childbearing are being shaped by factors both positive (more work opportunities for women) and negative (persistent gender inequality and high living costs)."

Nosotros know this is a simulated pretense, and is a totally manufactured argument to make you look the other way, when within ii to iii years you may encounter massive dying of people way beneath the boilerplate statistical life expectancy.

We all know, gender inequality has been persisting in the west for the last at least 2000 years. And, while the price of living has been rising steadily in the first 50 years after WWII in industrialized countries, information technology has been rather stagnant over the final couple of decades. To the opposite, in some cases - US, Europe - a rather deflationary trend has appeared. A clear sign for it, is negative interest rates in many industrialized countries. So, the NYT is trying to make you believe what isn't - all to justify their "prediction" of a massive population reduction; to brand y'all get used to the diabolical covid-plan - and maybe to sow just a niggling bit of fear.

Since the mRNA "vaxxes" are experimental, in that location is no history on whether or not the body will exist able to clean itself from disastrous side effects, like claret clotting, leading to thrombosis, potential paralysis and death.

Scientific predictions are that mRNA-type injections impact the human genome, and the torso most likely will never detox from anything affecting the Dna.

If this assumption is correct, it means, in short, y'all will never be the same again, and your health may be negatively impacted for the rest of your life. This is, without question, a offense of mass genocide confronting humanity. It coincides with Dr. Joseph Mercola's views - run across above, besides as Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi on blood clotting, and the disastrous health consequences, i.e. leading to brain strokes, paralyses and death.

In the same vein Vaccine Affect of 23 May 2022 refers to five reputed doctors, who discuss manual from those injected by the mRNA vaccine to those who take not been vaxxed. These scientists all agree that unless 1 realizes that these shots are designed equally bioweapons for the purpose of reducing the world's population, you will never fully sympathise what these shots and Large Pharma are capable of doing and how to accept measures to protect yourself.

The NYT gently prepares united states for this crime, calling this coming "depopulation" a natural phenomenon, due to a turn in demographics - which is to be expected due to our western "abundant lifestyle", and due to human being-fabricated climate alter (mea-culpa, mea-culpa), resulting in reduced harvests - famine - in the developing earth, or Global South.

"This is an intentional earth war on human blood," co-ordinate to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Nobel Laureate, Dr. Luc Montagnier, too as Dr. Mike Yeadon, ex-Pfizer VP and Chief of Pfizer Science - and others.

"The injections will impale and will never finish killing."

Dr. Montagnier, amongst the world'south acme virologists, projects a drastically reduced life expectancy of many who take taken the "kill shot injection".

Encounter latest official data of Vaccine deaths and injuries for the EU (from tardily Dec 2022 to May 22, 2021)


At that place are both medical and economic reasons and causes for a drastic world population to which the NYT alerts the states.

Why would they do that?

To Prepare us for one of the virtually horrendous crimes in recent man history: Inventing (meaning homo-fabricated) an invincible corona virus.

Later a decision of the World Economical Forum (WEF), in January 2020, WHO called the virus in Jan 2022 beginning SARS-CoV-2 - named subsequently the SARS virus that striking Red china from 2002-2003, then, a few weeks later, WHO renamed this invisible "brute" - instrument of manufacturing fear - Covid-19.

The sudden shock of being exposed to a worldwide epidemic cum pandemic (according to WHO's sudden new criteria), created a fear-pandemic nether which people are vulnerable and accept everything - almost in the hope the mortiferous danger would go away.

So, too a WEF conclusion, WHO alleged this actually small-scale disease on 11 March 2022 equally a pandemic, when there where worldwide, co-ordinate to WHO statistics only 44,279 positive cases and 1440 deaths outside China. The fear increased, and the "Stupor Doctrine" worked. All 193 United nations member countries accepted the mid-March 2022 total lockdown - and this without a medical justification.

"The Shock Doctrine" (2007), by Naomi Klein, describing how disaster capitalism takes advantage of daze situations, natural or mand-made, to implement new rules and regulation, that otherwise would have not been readily accepted.

Another example is the US Patriot Human action that was for years nether preparation, way before 9/11; just waiting for a catastrophe - i.eastward., nine/xi - to exist rushed through and accustomed past the US Congress. It took away some 80% of people's freedoms and converted the laws of the land quasi into a permanent Martial Law - and information technology is still applicable today, even with some convenient additions for the reigning financial elite.

Imagine! All 193 Un member countries at one time - an epidemiological impossibility. However, people around the globe accustomed the new rule - which eventually destroyed the earth economy, decimated it to the signal where pocket-sized and medium size corporations were literally wiped out, putting people jobless in the street, fending for means of survival, increasing poverty rates worldwide exponentially.

Unemployment and famine skyrocketed.

The outcome, peculiarly in the Global Southward, despair, suffering from existence without shelter, no food - ofttimes leading to suicide and if non to decease past famine. Still, those few billionaires on top, who pretend shortly be ruling the Ane World Order, increased their combined fortune in but a few months by some 200 billion dollars.

The World Food Program - WFP estimated total population suffering from acute famine at more than a quarter of a billion (265 1000000) past end 2020, about one-half of them are covid-related - and steadily raising. "These new numbers bear witness the scale of the catastrophe we are facing,' says the WFP. Many of them will not survive, but precise figures are not known. As time goes on, they will become catastrophic, resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths. This is the high-crime result of the diabolical supra-cabal that invented Agenda ID2020, United nations Agenda 2030, the Corking Reset - a criminal worldwide suffering peculiarly for the already poor and vulnerable.

food insecurity

According to Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, German language microbiologist, and as reported in The New American on xvi April 2022 in an commodity entitled "Covid shots to Decimate the World Population".

Dr. Bhakdi warns that the COVID hysteria is based on lies and that the COVID "vaccines", especially the mRNA type, are ready to crusade a global catastrophe and a possible decimation of the human population.

Starting off, Dr. Bhakdi explains that the PCR test has been driveling to produce fear in a way that is unscientific.

Next, he explains what the mRNA vaccines are going to do to the homo torso.

Amongst other concerns, he expects massive deadly blood clotting [already occurring] too every bit allowed arrangement responses that will destroy the human body.

Finally, Bhakdi, who warned of impending "doom" during a Fox News interview that went viral, calls for criminal prosecutions of the people responsible and an immediate halt to this global experiment.

This provides some background for the NYT commodity - background which of course, the New York Times does not mention. It appears that the Times' concern is foremost warning and preparing people on what might come, but also, spreading more than fear, brand people more than vulnerable, weaker, farther breaking down the human machine-defense system. The kind of language practical by the NYT piece, leaves an innocent reader defenseless, in fear "caving in to whatsoever may come". Precisely what they desire

A Positive Outlook

However, in that location is hope. The NYT article doesn't mention 'Hope'. The best manner for humanity to respond to the Covid Planetary Predicament is to collectively resist past all ways vaccination and actively object the digitization of your personal information equally well as of money.

You thereby resist being taken over by Bogus Intelligence - being enslaved past a a super financial elite

We clearly have the power in usa to overcome this diabolical tyranny that hovers over united states - most across the earth without fault. It is a matter of believing in ourselves, the forcefulness of collective positive and loving thinking - and in the power of solidarity.

Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Wellness Organization (WHO), where he has worked for over 30 years on water and environment around the globe. He lectures at universities in the United states, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion - An Economic Thriller most State of war, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-writer of Cynthia McKinney'south boogrand "When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economical Crisis" (Clarity Press - November 1, 2020)

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Inquiry on Globalization.