What Are Three Positive Things That the Tuohy Family Demonstrate

Leigh Anne Tuohy and her family became famous after the book and picture show, "The Blind Side," shared the story of how she and her husband, Sean, adopted Michael Oher, a teenager moving in and out of the foster intendance system. The Tuohys took Oher in, helped him get the educational activity he needed, and encouraged his love of football. Afterwards higher, Oher was the first round draft pick of the Baltimore Ravens in 2009.

Oher was a member of the Super Bowl winning 2013 Ravens team, and now heads to his second Super Bowl with the Carolina Panthers this weekend, with his proud family in tow.

Tuohy sat downwardly with TODAY.com's Terri Peters to take hold of the world up on what her family unit has been upwardly to since the 2009 film. The writer and public speaker shares parenting advice, her thoughts on the film, and her plans for watching Super Bowl fifty. (Her comments were shortened for space and clarity.)

The Tuohy family after Michael's move to play for the Carolina Panthers. (Left to right: S.J., Leigh Anne, Michael, Sean and Collins)
The Tuohy family after Michael'southward motility to play for the Carolina Panthers. (Left to right: South.J., Leigh Anne, Michael, Sean and Collins) Courtesy of Leigh Anne Tuohy

What accept you and your family been up to since "The Bullheaded Side?"

TUOHY: It has been an amazing journeying. Literally not one part of it was anticipated. Since the book and moving-picture show came out, Sean and I have written our own book, I've written books, and we spend near of our time on the road doing motivational speaking.

We are big proponents of the saying, "to whom much is given, much is required," so we attempt to give dorsum as much as we can. Some people accept opinions well-nigh how we do it, but those opinions have never mattered to me. We take to get upwards in the morn and exercise what'south correct, and if that offends people then they're just going to take to be offended. There are astonishing people in this world that only need an opportunity. Those people are what our family is all virtually, and all iii of our kids are smashing stewards of that message.

S.J. is 22 now, and plays basketball for Loyola University in Maryland. Nosotros watered and fed the little eject and he grew up. He'southward my smart kid — Momma's very excited about this child that I haven't had to spoon feed like Collins and Michael. I was very much a helicopter mom with those two, but haven't needed to be with Due south.J.

Collins is 29, and she's the little queen — my boys spoil her rotten. Believe information technology or not — with a female parent who doesn't cook at all — Collins owns a bazaar gourmet cookie company called Whimsy that is wildly successful. The cookies are to dice for, and the Panthers become cookies 3 times a week in their locker room. Cam Newton gets his own box every week, and he takes cracking crime if anyone so much as looks at his cookies. Collins is getting married in Apr to a not bad guy who nosotros just love to death. I've told her I'thou way more than excited well-nigh the Super Bowl than her wedding, and that she's not allowed to enquire me whatsoever more questions almost the wedding until the Super Basin is over.

And you lot know where Michael is, of course — headed to San Francisco!

The Tuohy family celebrate together on the field after Michael's 2013 Super Bowl win with the Baltimore Ravens.
The Tuohy family unit celebrate together on the field after Michael'due south 2013 Super Bowl win with the Baltimore Ravens. Courtesy of Leigh Anne Tuohy

Speaking of Michael, I've seen a lot of media reports proverb he does non similar the picture show — is that truthful? And, exercise you like it?

TUOHY: Michael does similar the movie. I think what happened was one time, Michael played a bang-up game, and the start affair the reporter asked him after was about the flick. Then Michael said, "Don't ask me well-nigh the movie. I don't like the pic."

The truth of the thing is that he does not dislike the moving-picture show — he dislikes the attention that it draws to him. Virtually people in the country can't name an offensive lineman, menstruation, and that's adept. They're supposed to be the unsung heroes, the guys backside the scene.

Unfortunately for Michael, he's very recognizable. If in that location is a football game going on, referees watch him because of the movie — he gets watched more closely, which leads to questions about what he did or did not practise correct. He gets dissected a little more any other lineman.

It'south fabricated him decide to stride his game up and do everything right. Every bit a parent, that'south what we told our kids anyway — do the correct thing and you don't get in trouble. If you lot atomic number 82 a charmed life, you better deed similar information technology.

So, Michael understands that the picture show sends a skillful message, and that far outweighs the fact that he gets watched closely in football. I told him, "Look, honey, y'all're going to have to get over information technology."

It'southward a great motion-picture show. We were really pleased. The fact of the matter is, everyone has a story and ours merely happens to be the 1 that was told. When people encounter this moving picture, they realize in that location are other Michael Ohers out there who can brand something of their lives if someone just turns around and asks how they can aid.

Tuohy hugs son Michael Oher after the Ravens 2013 Super Bowl win.
Tuohy hugs son Michael Oher after the Ravens 2013 Super Basin win. Courtesy of Leigh Anne Tuohy

Anybody refers to you as, "The Bullheaded Side Mom," but every bit a mother, does that make you feel stuck in a single office? What else do y'all promise to be known for?

TUOHY: Making people realize that families do not have to match — that you don't accept to look similar someone to love them. If I'1000 not known for annihilation else in this whole world, I desire people to know this — if at that place's not someone in your social circle who doesn't look like you, then shame on you.

In this earth we live in, racism is alive and well in all venues. We immediately categorize people, and that'due south but not right. As a country, we have to terminate judging people. I love Michael Oher equally much equally I love my two biological children. There's no difference in them.

I'd similar to be known for stepping up, and encouraging others to do the same.

The bulletin of your latest volume, "Turn Around," is almost but that — stepping up and giving cheerfully of your time and resource to assist others. What advice do you give to people who want to practice more of those things?

TUOHY: I am continually bombarded with questions about but this. People want to know how they tin get involved, how they can make a difference, what they can do, and I wanted the book to inspire people to only do something.

I want to run into a revolution of kindness, because what happens is, when you're kind and you give, it's infectious. Y'all give one time, and it'due south a not bad feeling and yous want to do it over again and again.

Even if you practise i kind matter a week — that's progression, that's moving the needle. It's all about starting with yous and making a ripple effect. Beginning on your street, then your neighborhood, then your city.

We demand people to get involved and make a difference. Money is non going to change it — it's most people. It's nigh u.s.a. realizing that everyone has value and about beingness nice to the guy side by side to you lot.

The Tuohy family: Sean, Leigh Anne, Michael, Collins and S.J.
The Tuohy family unit: Sean, Leigh Anne, Michael, Collins and Southward.J. Courtesy of Leigh Anne Tuohy

And then, what advice would you requite to the parents out at that place, wondering how they raise their ain picayune Super Basin actor or entrepreneur? How did you lot raise 3 successful, compassionate kids?

TUOHY: Nosotros believe that when you lot lead a charmed life — meaning that you have two parents, you take a roof over your head, you go to go to school and you lot get three meals a day — you demand to human activity like information technology, cherish it, and value it.

To help them live upwardly to that belief, there were rules to be followed. You make practiced grades, you don't have a curfew. Yous don't go a speeding ticket or drink and bulldoze, y'all get to apply a auto. It'due south not difficult — only you lot do have to parent.

Look at their prison cell phone; know their friends — considering when y'all stop knowing your kids' business and who they're hanging out with, you have stopped parenting. If you don't parent, then don't cry about who your kid is becoming.

It'south virtually investing time in your kids, simply like yous invest time in all the other of import things in your life.

I too have to know, where are yous watching the Super Bowl?

TUOHY: On the field! We are headed west — here we come, Cali! The whole family will exist out there on the field, and we're super excited.

It'due south such a great journeying to Super Bowl calendar week. It's fun and there's a lot going on that nosotros're really excited about. We feel very blessed and very fortunate.

I'm going to put my bling bailiwick of jersey on, and be the proudest, most obnoxious momma that I can peradventure be, and enjoy every moment of it.

We apologize, this video has expired.


Source: https://www.today.com/parents/blind-side-mom-proud-son-s-second-super-bowl-appearance-t71416

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