Where Is Mrs. Pullman's Family From in Wonder

" If they stare, let them stare. You tin't blend in when you lot were born to stand out. "

— Olivia Pullman to August before his first day of school, Wonder

Olivia "Via" Pullman is a principal character in Wonder. She is the older sister of August and the daughter of Isabel and Nate Pullman. She is a student at Faulkner High Schoolhouse, where she met Justin who became her boyfriend. On the first solar day of school she drifted apart from Miranda and Ella, as they chose to hang out with the popular kids.

She is portrayed by Izabela Vidovic in Wonder.


  • ane Personality
  • 2 History
    • 2.one Before Baronial
    • two.2 Before Baronial Went to School
    • 2.3 After Auggie Started Schoolhouse
  • 3 Relationships
    • iii.1 Auggie
    • 3.2 Justin
    • 3.3 Grans
    • 3.four Parents
    • 3.five Miranda and Ella
  • 4 Advent
  • five R.J. Palacio on Olivia
  • 6 Gallery


Via is kind, intelligent, curious, and very creative, but she'due south too sensitive, stable, and nervous from time to time. Still, she is able to stand up upward for others and for what she believes in. Via is also shown to be slightly emotional.


Before August

Olivia Pullman was born from Isabel and Nate five years before Auggie. Co-ordinate to Via, she does not retrieve much about her life before August. Though she does know that she is the start of a new generation in her family unit tree, which makes August the second. When her female parent was pregnant with Auggie, Grans gave her a doll, named Lily, so that Via could "practise" being the older sister. Everyday she would feed the doll and changed her diaper until August was born. Via never touched, or mentioned Lily ever once again.

Earlier August Went to Schoolhouse

Via would e'er love to spend time with Auggie and deeply cared for him merely similar her parents. She would spend time having conversations or playing games together along with Miranda, Ella, Christopher, Zachary, and Alex. However, when Auggie had to go the hospital for surgeries, she had to stay with relatives. The longest stay away was when Via visted Grans in Montauk. Via e'er loved spending time with Grans every bit much as she did with Baronial.

When Via went to elementary school she became friends with Miranda and Ella, forth with other students. Her parents never had enough time to hire babysitters, so they always took Auggie to all of Via's plays, concerts, bake sales, book fairs, and other special occasions. Everyone in the schoolhouse knew him, Via's friends, her teachers, her friends' parents, even the janitor knew him!

At middle school all her old friends still knew him, but her new friends didn't. Sometimes the kids would phone call Auggie, "a brother who's deformed". Via hated it when someone chosen her blood brother plain-featured. Shortly she grew more sensitive on whoever was fearful towards Auggie, fifty-fifty if they didn't mean it.

After Auggie Started School

At high schoolhouse, Via was excited that she didn't accept to worry about being insulted on anyone in a totally new place. She noticed that Miranda and Ella had negatively changed on the manner they looked and how they acted. Via felt uncomfortable and moved on with the smart kids, which was how she met Justin. Via later signed upwardly for Theater along with Justin and Miranda. Via and Miranda both auditioned to play the female protagonitst of this year's play, Our Town, but Via only got the understudy. Despite that, she feels better when Justin is in that location. The ii later showtime dating.

Via became worrysome when August started schoolhouse. She felt like information technology would be a huge nightmare. On Halloween, August told his sis about how Jack was saying mean stuff to him. Via convinced the all-time way to get over it, was to not think or fifty-fifty spend fourth dimension with Jack once more. Auggie feels better and stops hanging out with Jack and more with Summertime. Though eventually, Jack apologized for what he done.

Via lied most being an only child to Justin. She warns him not to insult Auggie when he visits him for the get-go fourth dimension, which he doesn't. Justin becomes curious if Via and Miranda had known each other, but Via feels anxious about thinking almost Miranda, so she cries to her boyfriend that she never told her parents near the play and fears if they go and take Auggie, everyone volition fear and despise her. After, Via and her mother have an argument almost the play. However, Via decides to brand mixed descions on who should get the play or not. Auggie fights back on Via thinking that Via doesn't desire any of her "fancy" high school friends to know that Auggie was a "freak". Isabel planned to go after him, until their canis familiaris Daisy had a terrible breadbasket virus. Via, August, and Justin mourn about Daisy's loss.

At the play, at that place was no horrible business concern for Via, who took over Miranda'due south place in the final performance. Eveyone she knew thought she did an amazing chore. Via worries near August going to the Nature Retreat but was happy to encounter him return. They were too excited to meet their new puppy Bear. Via later on celebrates with Auggie in the graduation anniversary forth with her friends, Auggie'due south friends, and their relatives.



Baronial Pullman (Auggie) is Olivia's younger brother who was born with a severe facial deformity. As a result, Via is very protective of him, oftentimes losing her cool when she catches people staring at him, even yelling at grown-ups and asking them "What the heck are you looking at?". She loves her brother more than anything, and her parents of course.


Justin is Via's beau whom she meets when she joins Mr. Davenport's Drama Order. When she sees him for the first time, she has an instant crush on him.


Grans is Olivia's maternal grandmother. While she was live, she and Olivia were very close. She told Olivia that she loved her more than anyone else in the globe, fifty-fifty Baronial. That special connection stayed with them fifty-fifty subsequently Grans' death.


Olivia ever loved her parents. They are kind, and not the bossy type. Her parents are rarely worried virtually her, then she feels proud, merely also left out because they tend to spend more time looking subsequently Auggie.

Miranda and Ella

Via had been close friends with Miranda and Ella since first grade. Both had known August since he was a infant, and they always wanted to play with him, such equally dress-upward. Out of the three girls, Miranda was the sweetest to Auggie. Their relationship had been a happy i until the summertime before 9th form. Miranda and Ella had changed their looks to become more than mature, and bonny. They also became more than sassy and rude for their personalites. Via left the girls to spend time with a smart and diverse crowd(featuring Justin). Ella didn't seem to care about Via anymore, only Miranda reformed feeling guilty about losing a proficient friend after treating her unkindly. Miranda subsequently reunites with Via after the operation of Our Town.


"really beautiful. with olive pare and the bluest eyes i've ever seen in my life."
— Justin
"Out of the three of us, she was totally the prettiest: blue, bluish eyes and long wavy dark hair."
— Miranda

R.J. Palacio on Olivia

"I think Via is torn betwixt her own version of returning to Globe, which is the world Baronial inhabits (and sometimes inhibits), and choosing the freedom of space, which is the earth beyond August and everything he represents."

"And then much to say most Via, a grapheme every bit near and dear to my middle as August is. She'southward so trigger-happy and tender at the same time, so grown up before her time, likewise. She has a good head on her shoulders, and knows better than to fifty-fifty try to pull whatever of the typical teenage rebellion stuff: there'south just too much stuff going on in her parents' lives to brunt them with that. She's not perfect, though: she has a temper, and she gets resentful at times. Just when she loves she loves with all her eye, and she's a loyal friend. Baronial couldn't have asked for a better older sister. "The universe takes care of all its birds."


" If they stare, let them stare. You can't blend in when yous were born to stand out. "

— Olivia Pullman to August before his first day of school, Wonder

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The prototype gallery for Olivia Pullman may be viewed here.


Source: https://rj-palacios-wonder.fandom.com/wiki/Olivia_Pullman

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